Saturday, January 15, 2011

Negging and a sidenote

Negging is basically saying playfully rude/critical things/jokes to a girl to get her to like you more... sounds dumb right? well it kind of is. Unless its done well it WILL HURT YOUR GAME....don't get me wrong it has worked and can work for you but I would say avoid it. You can do much better being a confident and interesting, than confident , interesting and critical or mean. A mean comment or joke will usually net one in return and I personally am not one for getting insulted. If you do neg and get insulted , or any other time , just laugh it off.

P.S. - No that is not me in the pictures lol.

Which leads me to a sidenote, NEVER EVER listen to dating, relationship and pick up "advice" from women..EVER. YOU WILL FAIL, SO BAD....1 exception, if they are big professionals in the matter or high level psychologists it can be another story.

The things I am writing in this blog are things learned through trial and error, practice, many many hours of reading psychological studies, books and testimonials by pick up artists. Don't listen to some girl about pickin up girls because they have never done it, and can't tell you how it is to be a guy picking up girls, Comprende?

I am only saying this because I have seen many guys ask girls for advice on the internet, making me facepalm every time at the responses. Many times girls will date the guy that has all the opposite traits that they list.

More to come soon,
Clarence Miller


  1. good stuff man good stuff
    keep it coming

  2. haha yeah good post, keep em coming

  3. Good post - I'm a big fan of neggin... and some good old NLP

    Keep up the great blog


  4. For negging to work she has to have the right amount of self confidence.

  5. good info. looking forward to future updates.

  6. awesome stuff man, keep it up! following now.

    Follow me back at:

  7. I always practised this, mainly because its always been part of my personality but i never realised it had a name.

    I suppose i can neg my girlfriend when she nags me and maybe it will cancel both of them out?

  8. interesting advice, will take it on board ;D

  9. Good advice is usually not to take bad advice. Ka follow'd

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. mmm good stuff.

  12. Still enjoying your blog man, keep the posts coming.

  13. Illogical females no surprise here

  14. Great post, don't ever listen to other women, or white knights o nthe internet they don't know shit about what other women want

  15. Honestly, if you have to ask for advice on the internet about dating relationships, you're pretty far off anyway.

    Awesome blog, though, looking forward to future updates! Follow'd:

  16. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this blog.

    I'm pretty familiar with the material, and my blog's actually similar. Less about getting women and more about just having a great social presence though, but there's definitely a lot of crossover in the reading.

    You should check it out, I'm just starting up actually
