Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Posture Part 2.

Hopefully you will be sitting and relaxing around girls. This is how you behave in that type of environment

 2. Sitting/Relaxing.  When you are sitting/ leaning or laying. TAKE UP SPACE. As much as you can, aslong as you look relaxed. ex. sitting, lay your arms on the nearby chairs, put your foot on another -  this signifies that you are dominant and confident because that space is YOURS (obviously give someone a chair if they need it, dont be a prick). I was once complimented on the way I ate pizza, i was standing , leaning on a counter deeply one arm supporting me, head back , slowly relaxedly feeding myself like a roman back in the day would feed himself grapes. When laying down , spread your legs and your arms and just be as comfortable as possible, drape your arms and legs over chairs/ couches - People notice.

Have fun



  1. awesome post man. couldn't agree more

  2. This is funny, but I think you're right.
    You look a lot cooler sprawled all over the place than you do if you're sitting like you're stuck in a small space.

  3. I wont be sitting with girls, just lying:D

  4. You were complimented on the way you eat pizza?!

  5. Following and supporting man.

    oh and btw I'm an e46 lover also, i drive one =)
    Also enjoy the pics ;)

  6. cool as always
    following and supporting

  7. He an image of me being splattered on the couch came to mind, not a pleasant sight, but i get where your coming from, its all about confidence.

  8. Once again I agree, posture is very important.

  9. nice. Right now I feel very confident. Im spread eagle on a table in McDonalds!

  10. pricks can avoid getting people chairs by sitting at tables with many chairs <3

  11. I don't think others on the bus will like this much.

  12. I only sit like a roman when eating chocolate!
    Still thanks for the tips!

  13. great advice, following with support

  14. such simple little things make the biggest difference... thanks for the tips!

  15. Wow, I guess people do notice. I always try to have good posture, but sometimes it can be so difficult.

  16. When in doubt, dont look like a slob :3
